Fy vad hemskt! R.I.P Hickstead


Världscuptävlingarna i italienska Verona avbröts på söndagen efter att världsettan kanadensaren Eric Lamazes häst Hickstead föll ihop och avled på banan. 22 av 39 ekipage hade fullföljt tävlingen när olyckan inträffade. Tillsammans med Hickstead tog Eric Lamaze bland annat OS-guld 2008.  Den tragiska händelsen har väckt stor sorg i hela ridsporten.



Rolf-Göran Bengtsson och Henrik von Eckermann fanns påplats i Verona.
- Det är oerhört tråkigt när något sådant här händer. Vi är alla djupt bedrövade och har Eric Lamaze och de runt omkring Hickstead i våra tankar, säger Rolf-Göran Bengtsson.
Det tog en stund innan information om vad som hänt nått ut till framridningen där ryttarna skrittade efter avbrottet i tävlingen.
- Vi förstod ju att det var något allvarligt som hänt.
När det stod klart vad som hänt med Hickstead avbröts tävlingen och det beslutet togs av ryttarna utan diskussion.
- Det var aldrig någon tvekan, det hade känts mycket märkligt att gå in och fortsätta efter vad som hänt, säger Rolf-Göran Bengtsson.

Pressinformation från FEI 2011-11-06
The fourth leg of the Rolex FEI World Cup™ Jumping 2011/2012 series at Verona, Italy was stopped today following the sudden death of the stallion Hickstead, ridden by reigning Olympic champion and world number one Eric Lamaze (CAN).

Drawn 22nd of the 39 on the startlist, the Canadian partnership had just completed Rolf Ludi’s 13-fence track with a single rail down in the middle of the combination when Hickstead collapsed and died.

The competition was stopped at the request of the riders, and Lamaze’s fellow-competitors gathered in the Verona arena to pay their respects to one of the greatest horses of all time, and to support their colleague in his moment of loss with a minute's silence.

HRH Princess Haya, FEI President added her condolences to those that have poured in since news of the horse's death. "Hickstead really was a horse in a million and my heart goes out to Eric and everyone connected with this wonderful horse. This is a terrible loss, but Hickstead truly will never be forgotten. We were very lucky to have known him."

FEI Jumping Director, John Roche, said “shortly after finishing his round of jumping Hickstead collapsed in the arena and died.  As yet the cause of death is unknown, but our deepest sympathies go out to the owners, to Eric and to all the connections of one of the greatest Jumping horses of all time. Hickstead’s presence on the circuit will be very sadly missed”.

Med anledning av händelsen i Verona skriver arrangören följande:

Today at 15.25, as he was leaving the arena after his successful jumping round Hickstead, the horse ridden by Canadian Eric Lamaze, suddenly collapsed. The veterinary services were immediately in attendance, but unfortunately the horse was already dead.

An autopsy to determine the cause of death is scheduled in the coming days.

Veronafiere, Organising Committee, were fully supportive of the request of the riders not to continue the competition and would like to express their affection and love towards one of the greatest horses in the history of the sport and his rider Eric Lamaze.

A minute's silence was held in the arena out of respect.

källa: Ridsport förbundets hemsida.


Postat av: lovisa


2011-11-06 @ 19:33:18

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